Makes: 16     Est. Time: 105 mins     Difficulty: One Star

Handy Hints:

  • Of course, you can shape the meringue into whatever shape you desire, but these elongated fingers are very effective for dipping or scooping up soft desserts. Plus, they look great!.


3 large egg whites
few grains of salt
2/3 cup (150g) caster sugar


1   Preheat oven to 120ºC (250ºF). Beat whites with salt until they stand in soft glossy peaks. Add three quarters of the sugar, 2 tablespoons at a time; beating well after each addition. Fold in remaining sugar using a rubber spatula.
2   Butter an oven tray. Using two teaspoons, drop mixture onto tray and draw apart into fingers about 7 cm (3 in) in length.
3   Cook in the center of the oven for 1 ¼ to 1 ½ hours, or until lightly colored and crisp. Cool on the tray for 10 mins, then remove to a wire rack to cool completely.
4   Serve with a soft dessert (such as mousse or berry fruits), and store remainder in an airtight container.

Submitted by: Amy Mitchell   


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